Sensitive Parties
We understand that every child has different needs. We also believe that every child should have access to any and all facilities and services. For this reason, we are proud to offer these parties to children with special needs. Ranging from, but not limited to, ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), ADHD, Anxiety, Sensory Processing issues, PDA (Performance Demand Avoidance), emotional dysregulation, physical or mental impairments and much more.
Our goal is to provide the best entertainment possible for every child, in an environment where they can feel safe and supported. When making a booking we will communicate with you, in depth, about your child’s specific needs, what environment best suits them, what they like or don’t like (eg, certain textures on costumes, direct contact like “hi-fives”), whether they want to be up the front for singing “Happy Birthday” or would rather keep a low profile and much more. We will ensure that we present a positive, patient and inclusive environment for your child and their friends. We can provide flashcards or visual charts for non-verbal children or for those that may feel overwhelmed and we will be fully guided by you both beforehand and during the event. It will be fully up to you, the parent, as to whether we keep our questions and interactions “realistic” or if we need to slow the pace and just “keep the magic alive”.
Our team will be briefed, in detail, on your child’s specific needs and will have sufficient training and understanding on how to adapt in any circumstance. Whether that looks like “backing off”, repeating something your child enjoyed or even just sitting quietly with them, we will hold no expectation on how each individual party will play out. Our goal is to accommodate to every child’s specific needs and we welcome your input and questions as, being their parent and advocate, you know them better than anyone and we are extremely happy to accommodate for any of their needs.